We provide temporary protection to children at risk
We make sure that each child goes back into a safe family environment. We carry out preventive work together with the communities, tending to family, food, hygiene and domestic violence problems ...
Children are our source of inspiration, and to protect them it is essential to support families and the community.
Our efforts to defend their rights and equal opportunities for the most vulnerable, led us to create several Programs focused on three pillars:
Child protection
Prevention in communities
Empowerment of women
Child Protection
Programa “CUIDA”
We instill trust and hope in children in a safe place.
We provide a temporary home to children between 0 and 9 years old, who require immediate protection for having been victims of: mistreatment, abuse and / or neglect.
We work to get a family for each child.
We place foster families to shelter those children who are temporarily unable to return to their biological family.
Promovemos la reinserción en familias biológicas.
Evaluamos y reforzamos las buenas prácticas de crianza, a familiares biológicos para que asuman la protección.
Prevention in Communities
We preserve families in the most vulnerable communities ...
We provide guidance and family strengthening to families at high social risk, through a multidisciplinary team to achieve a comprehensive intervention within the communities.
We support hygiene and sanitation.
We offer sustainable solutions for water, hygiene and sanitation in vulnerable communities, through strategies that encourage community participation.
Program "WASH"
Program "Nutrifamilias"
We prevent and treat child malnutrition.
We provide outpatient nutritional care to children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women with acute malnutrition and nutritional risk.
Empowerment of Women
Program "Women"
Programa "YO SI PUEDO"
We empower women survivors of gender violence.
We offer free and confidential accompaniment to women survivors of gender violence and their daughters and sons, allowing them to get out of the cycle of violence and strengthen their support networks.
Empoderamiento y formación de la mujer como forma de salir del ciclo de la violencia
Ofrecemos programas de emprendimiento.
Your help
can make the change
Your help
can make the change
We are encouraged to be part of the construction of a Venezuela where everyone collaborating to combat injustice and reduce inequalities.