The risks of intra-family violence, abuse or neglect increase when there is economic precariousness, lack of access to basic services, few family and institutional support networks, added to low educational levels.
In 2020, 87% of the families that entered PROFAM had difficulties in the exercise of parental skills, 15% due to sexual abuse, 68% of cases of child abuse and 42% for the evaluation and intervention of alleged aggressors for domestic violence.
We offer the most vulnerable families psychosocial care (free and preventive) that allows them to face situations of violence, abuse or neglect in the family group.
We provide counseling, guidance and psychological support to families who have problems related to children and adolescents.
We deal with cases of violation of women's rights
We socially monitor complaints of mistreatment, abandonment, abuse and / or neglect, to guarantee the search for legal solutions and protection of the child.
We carry out training workshops, social, group and individual accompaniment.
FUNDANA, in alliance with SAVE THE CHILDREN'S, we transferred our multidisciplinary team to schools and adjacent communities to attend to their problems.
In 2019/20, 3,000 people were received, helping them to resolve parental difficulties, situations of sexual abuse and child abuse, among others.
During 2020, in the pandemic and despite the quarantine, "Profam Urbano" attended 1053 people for different reasons of consultation.