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"Community PROFAM"

Free family strengthening program within the most vulnerable communities


The risks of intra-family violence, abuse or neglect increase when there is economic precariousness, lack of access to basic services, few family and institutional support networks, added to low educational levels.

Lack of access to public transport and / or payment of per diem to travel to the Profam Urbano headquarters, cause the desertion of the families most in need of the Service. This in addition to the distrust of being cared for outside of their community.



It is to provide guidance and family strengthening to families at high social risk, through a multidisciplinary team in order to achieve a comprehensive intervention within the communities.


  • We provide counseling, guidance and psychological support to families who have problems related to children and adolescents.

  • We deal with cases of violation of women's rights.

  • We socially monitor complaints of mistreatment, abandonment, abuse and / or neglect, to guarantee the search for legal solutions and protection of the child.

  • We carry out training workshops, provide both group and individual social support, promoting community participation in solving their problems.

  • We make alliances with community leaders to address the problems of their community

  • We work with families directly in their homes.


As a result of an alliance with UNICEF, FUNDANA has expanded the Services to develop preventive work within the most vulnerable communities, increasing the number of Community PROFAMs to five. These offer an early stimulation program, school and nutritional leveling, environmental and water sanitation.


In 2019 we exceeded 50 thousand attentions, and we reached more than 90 popular sectors of the Caracas metropolitan area, in the Sucre and Baruta Municipalities.


Community PROFAM, hand in hand with UNICEF, has generated an impact on more than 40,000 people through free psychological consultations, family therapy, educational workshops, nutritional support and social and legal support.


Your help
can make the change

The family is the most important entity for the growth of a healthy child, both physically and socially.

We need your help to continue working with maximum dedication and professionalism, bringing help to the most vulnerable communities and generating a positive change in their lives.

We work for a better Venezuela, one story at a time. Help us achieve it.

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